Expelled Victims

Here’s an interesting account of three scientists featured in the movie Expelled. As I have posted earlier, the movie is about alleged prejudice experienced by scientists and professors who either support Intelligent Design, or fail to support evolutionary theory.

The article was written by Dr. Ray Bohlin, holder of MS and PhD degrees in molecular biology from the University of Texas at Dallas. Here’s a brief intro on the three scientists he writes about:

Richard Sternberg has a double PhD in evolutionary biology. As editor of a scientific journal, he oversaw the publication of an article promoting Intelligent Design and critical of evolution. As a result, he was harassed and falsely accused of improper peer review. He has been blacklisted.

Caroline Crocker is a a PhD with degrees in pharmacology and microbiology. A research scientist who taught introductory biology, she made the mistake of including questions about evolution contained in science journals. She was accused of teaching creationism and eventually lost her job, and has been unable to find work ever since.

Finally, Guillermo Gonzalez is a well published astronomer who has accumulated over sixty peer-reviewed publications in various science and astronomy journals. In addition, he has presented over twenty papers at scientific conferences, and his work has been featured in such respected publications as Science, Nature, and Scientific American. He has been denied tenure because he supports Intelligent Design.

…Trust me, you’ll find it hard to believe what you read.

Check out the article here.

You can find more data on the article’s writer, Dr. Bohlin, as well as the other speakers and writers of Probe Ministries.here.


Related post:

EXPELLED! No Intelligence Allowed!


Theistic Evolution?

A visitor posted the following comments:

I do wonder why people don’t even consider that there might be a God who created everything through evolution


I do try to be tolerant of people, but thus far, I have seen nobody make a powerful argument for ID or creationism being an empirical science

I was about to respond to him that there are actually Christians who believe in what is called “theistic evolution”. Before I could do that,  I came across a favorable review in Christianity Today of a new book (2007) by Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome project. It’s called The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, and it argues for—guess what?—theistic evolution!

Soon as I could, I plan to get a copy of the book and read it, and I would also like to invite the original commentor to check it out, too, if he has time.

In the meantime, if anybody has already read the book, I would be VERY grateful for your comments. I think this idea is worth investigating, with the end of “following the evidence wherever it leads”. Thanks!

I am not yet for or against this position, as I have not yet had time to study it. But I think it is worth investigating and discussing, by Christians and non-Christians alike.



EXPELLED! No Intelligence Allowed!


Just learned about this. Late again, as usual 😦 .

Anyway, it’s still in Feb ’08.

A provocative movie, about the alleged suppression of Intelligent Design in the scientific and academic world.

According to the movie, scientists and professors who dare question Darwinism, or who openly admit the possibility of ID are ostracized, pressured, and sometimes even have their reputations smeared among their peers:


Here’s a longer (9 mins) trailer:



Looks like love month Feb ’08 would be a provocative month 😉 . One more movie to watch for!

Related post:

Expelled Victims

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