Holiness Stems From Thankfulness

Still very busy, but I’ve just read some great food for thought—HOLINESS STEMS FROM THANKFULNESS.

This one’s actually from Spurgeon. He says that we strive to live lives that please God because we are thankful for His love, mercy, and grace. Any attempt to live a holy life that pleases God, that is not an outflowing of our thanksgiving to Him, will be short-lived and will surely fail.

Hmm…good meat to chew on…

Have a blessed day. May it be full of reasons to give thanks to God

Who Am I? Who Are You?

Speaking of grace (see yesterday’s post), this song is a beautiful response to the grace of God:


(Here’s a video showing the background of the band Casting Crowns and a LIVE performance of the same beautiful song:)


Grace and peace!


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